Sexiest Bollywood Actresses of 2008!

10. Sonal Chauhan in Jannat: The sexier version of Amrita Rao, Sonal Chauhan looked lissome, lithe and leggy in her debut film. Lucky boy Emran Hashmi however had did not get much to kiss as the sultry Sonal Chauhan played too cool to love and too hot to kiss in Jannat.
9. Mughda Godse in Fashion: Fashion had more style and less substance going for in. The tall and slender Mughda Godse vowed the audience with her sexy, traffic stopping presence. Making her debut in Bollywood, Mughda was one female who looked really comfortable in her dress and skin. And yes, we love her confidence!
8. Mallika Sherawat in Ugly aur Pagli: Mallika Sherawat was dressed(shocking!) throughout Ugly aur Pagli. She revealed her awesome contours and curves in one of the songs and that mattered more than enough to get an eyesome in the plotless stupid Ugly aur Pagli.
7. Amisha Patel in Thoda Pyaar Thoda Magic: The normally voluptuous Amisha Patel shed her clothes to show off that even she has a toned midriff in Thoda Pyaar Thoda Magic. Though the movie disappeared faster than Amisha Patel could say "yellow, main aa gayee", Amisha Patel look hot enough to spend some 'lazy lamhe' with.
6. Minissha Lamba in Kidnap: Minissha Lamba revealed two things in Kidnap: hot cleavage and cool attitude. But both could not salvage the insipid movie Kidnap. However we were left panting for more as Minissha seduced the audiences with those skimpy outfits.
5. Shilpa Shetty in Dostana: Easily the woman with the best figure in Bollywood, Shilpa Shetty's yoga bound sexy body looked 'wow-some' as she sizzled in the opening number of Dostana. All we can say is Shut up and Drool!
What about the remaining top 5? For the creamy, tantalizing top 5 sexiest actress of Bollywood 2008, go to my blog below.
V.S.ARUNRAJ, in his entertaining blog Hot Girls of Bollywood gives a low-down on some of the most beautiful and glamorous babes of Bollywood.
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Plastic Surgery

While some people who decide to undergo the knife may already look great, there are many others who have been teased and taunted their entire life about their features. Not only do years of teasing and taunting take their toll on a person's emotional well being, but a person who does not like something about themselves will also cause an emotional scar. Since who we are has a lot to do with our emotions, then it is safe to say that even the smallest procedure that effects our self esteem in a positive manor can outwardly make you seen as a whole new person. Isn't it what it is all about, changing ourselves so not only we look better, but feel better as well?
The obvious risks associated with plastic surgery are the possibilities of not only having a complication, but also receiving bad work. No wants to pay a substantial amount of money to end up looking worse than before they went in for the procedure. On top of this, there is also no one who wants to pay to have a procedure dine just so they can have nerves damaged.
In order to better understand the advantages and disadvantages of plastic surgery, you really have to talk with the surgeon who will be in charge of your procedure so that he or she can better explain the risks. It is also important that you are as well informed as you can be in case you have to make a decision as it is better to make an informed decision rather than a guess.
Dr. Jim Greene would like to provide you more in depth information that will help you make a sound decision regarding:
Plastic surgery
Reconstructive surgery
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Obama's State-of-the-Union Address: Five Ways to Judge Its Success

Giving a transformational presidential speech while trapped in politically toxic quicksand is no easy task. And as he mounts the rostrum in the House of Representatives' chamber Wednesday night, the forces arrayed against Barack Obama - both real and those conjured by the politico-media maelstrom - are fierce.
Liberals (in the blogosphere, at the grassroots, and in Congress) complain that the President is a spineless, incompetent quitter. Conservatives (on Fox News Channel and talk radio, at Tea Party confabs, and in Congress) insist he is a panicky, on-the-run liberal. The Old Media sputters that he is a flailing, directionless Jimmy Carter redux. (See pictures of President Obama's first year in office.)
In just over a year, Obama has gone from a hopemonger destined to change America and revitalize the Democratic Party to a foundering President - from a man determined to bring America's best values to a capital gone bad to a man who has reinforced everything the country hates about government and politics.
Although Obama has a history of using big speeches to spark or recalibrate his fortunes (the Democratic convention keynote in Boston in 2004, his 2007 Iowa Jefferson-Jackson Dinner speech, his race oration prompted by the controversy surrounding Chicago pastor Jeremiah Wright), no realistic appraiser of Obama's looming State of the Union believes he can turn everything around with one primetime address. (See TIME's special report on Obama's first year.)
Obama's task is particularly tough because, even before he has finished speaking to tens of millions of Americans, the media filter, both Old and New, will jump in to sift, analyze and reshape his message. For a weakened president, this is both a nuisance and a danger.
Still, the White House is guaranteed about an hour tonight with all eyes on its star at center stage, when the commander-in-chief can tower over his opponents. If there is to be an Obama comeback in early 2010, it begins Wednesday night. Here are the five metrics and tea leaves that will determine success or failure:
1. How big is the audience?
If fewer Americans than usual tune in to the address on TV, it suggests the country has tuned out the President. The West Wing has to hope that the nation is still interested in what their (relatively) new leader has to say. (See the top 10 sound bites by Obama.)
2. Does the press focus exclusively on process?
The media is consumed with a proverbial turning-of-the-page, the tension between the White House and Democrats on Capitol Hill, and the perils-of-Barack drama. Obama has to get the post-speech coverage to evaluate the substance of his proposals and his thematic vision of the country, rather than just his droopy poll numbers and the loss of that Massachusetts Senate seat.
3. Do Republicans clap?
Liberals and some White House aides have given up on ever getting meaningful cooperation from the opposition party on a legislative agenda. Obama doesn't have that luxury. GOPers will not like much of what the President says - and they smell both blood in the water and victory in November's midterm elections. But Obama has to find some areas of common ground to renew his campaign pledge to reduce the partisan bitterness and lack of cooperation that has come to dominate Washington and the nation's politics.
4. Can he find the right tone?
How Obama needs to come off: optimistic, confident, resolute, gracious. What he has to avoid seeming: defensive, negative, churlish, sarcastic. Behind the scenes, Obama has been evincing some frustration with the media coverage of his first year in office; like most Presidents, he doesn't think he is getting enough credit for his hard work, nor enough patience for evolving efforts. But 2010 needs to be about the future, not the grievances of the past - and that includes an end to blaming the Bush Administration for the problems Obama inherited.
5. Can he balance continuity versus change?
Presidential aides have been talking about going back to "first principles," the basic themes and programs that helped Obama get elected and animated his decision to run for President in the first place. At the same time, both substantively and symbolically, the press and many voters are going to expect Obama to demonstrate an awareness that his presidency is somewhat off course. Finding a way to stay faithful to both memes is as essential as it is tricky.
Source: Yahoo News
Kareena Kapoor Signed New Film of Rs 7 crore
While Bollywood actors are slashing their prices to cope with the recession, it is surprising how much the industry is paying the actresses. Even A-list actors are not being offered such a huge amount.�
It is learnt that Kareena will be the only heroine in the film as she has made it very clear that she does not want to work in multi-heroine projects. And why not? After the success of Jab We Met and the critical acclaim she received, Kareena�s career graph rose.
Reportedly she was paid Rs 2.5 crore for Kambakkht Ishq and little more for Golmaal 2 . The source continues, �After Golmaal 2 proved to be a hit, director Rohit Shetty only wanted Kareena in the film and convinced the producers to sign her. Moreover, the Kapoor lass has never been a part of sequels, so to make her sign this film, she was offered and signed for a huge amount.
�Fashion� Movie Websit Has Been Hacked
The team of Madhur Bhandarkar�s �Fashion� has landed in some serious trouble there! A porn website has hacked the official website of the Priyanka Chopra starrer superhit flick �Fashion�.
Well, the film�s official website was originally created for the promotion of the movie. And now, the hacked website is accessible through the official website of UTV films and claims, �All materials advertised on the site are completely legal and contain role-playing fantasy only.�
However, the link directs you the explicit porn site, which further leads to other triple-X sites. Completely shocked by the news, Bhandarkar told a news daily, �It�s news to me, I will definitely scrutinise this issue and will check with the UTV people too.�
A Brief History: Same-Sex Marriage in California and Prop 8
So, are you mystified about the state of same-sex marriage in California? At first glance it looks easy. On one side, you�ve got your proponents of same-sex marriage: Advocacy groups like the ACLU; big corporations like Google; and Americans everywhere who think that other people�s romantic lives are none of their business. And on the other side you�ve got rich Mormons, Carrie Prejean, and people who think that marriage is a totally sacred institution that�s always been treated with the utmost respect throughout all of human history and nobody ever gets divorced and Ted Haggard was FRAMED dammit.
But look a little closer, and you�ll find that California has a weird and complex relationship with same-sex marriage, and that proponents of �opposite marriage,� as the eminent Ms. Prejean has termed it, have had quite a fight on their hands when it comes to preserving their way of life, which by the way is honorable and traditional and totally without any problems. Also whenever gay people get married God gives a kitten pancreatic cancer.
Sorry. My point is that the recent history of marriage in California is a bit of a labyrinth, and if you�re going to try to understand the case that began in court last week � Perry v. Schwarzenegger � you�re going to have to learn a little history.
So here it is.
The California State Assembly amends language in state law to ensure that marriage may only exist between a man and a woman. But ambiguity in the law allows same-sex marriages performed in other states to be recognized here.
November 2000
Caifornia voters pass Proposition 22, which prohibits the state from recognizing same-sex marriages.
February � March 2004
San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom orders that city and county workers revise marriage forms and begin allowing gay couples to marry, in direct contravention of Proposition 22. The next day, two conservative groups, the Proposition 22 Legal Defense and Education Fund, and the Campaign for California Families, file a court action to stop the marriages from being performed. By March, the California Supreme Court halts the weddings.
August 2004
The California Supreme Court rules that the marriages performed in February and March are void.
May 2008
A series of legal proceedings resulting from the conservative groups� court actions results in the California Supreme Court case known as In re Marriage Cases. In the case, the court renders Proposition 22 invalid, holding that statutes limiting marriage to hetero couples violates state constitution. Same-sex couples begin marrying.
November 2008
Prop 8 passes, amending the state constitution and limiting marriage to men and women.
May 2009
In Strauss v.Horton, The California Supreme Court holds that Prop 8 was lawful but that marriages performed before it was passed � after In re Marriage Cases but before the constitutional amendment, are valid. A few days before this, the American Foundation for Equal Rights, a nonprofit advocacy group, files suit in federal court, challenging the validity of Prop 8 under the U.S. Constitution on behalf of two same-sex couples. Notably, the attorneys arguing the case are Ted Olsen and David Boies, who argued opposite sides of Bush v. Gore. The case is known as Perry v. Schwarzenegger.
January 11-15, 2010
Perry v. Schwarzenegger begins. During its first week, several notable developments occur:
- In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court bars U.S. District Judge Vaughan R. Walker, the judge hearing Perry, from broadcasting the trial on television. The majority opinion agrees with Prop 8 proponents that releasing video of the witnesses could subject them to potential harm.
- Olsen presents an animus argument, asserting that animosity toward gays and lesbians drove anti-same-sex-marriage advocates to pursue Prop 8. The argument has precedent: In Romer v. Evans, a 1995 Supreme Court case, the Court ruled that a Colorado law, which prevented gays from legal protections, was based on animosity toward gays and therefore unconstitutional.
- To prove animus, Olsen presents a letter written by Hak-Shing William Tam of the Traditional Family Coalition, a Prop 8 organizer. In the letter, Tam equated same-sex marriage with prostitution and �sex with children,� and asserted that legalizing same-sex marriage would result in California falling �into Satan�s hands.� Earlier in the month, Tam, a defender in the case, had asked Judge Walker to remove him from the case, fearing publicity that could endanger him and his family. Walker has yet to rule on the request.
- Testimony was offered by Cambridge University professor Michael Lamb, whose research showed that same-sex couples are equally capable of raising children as heterosexual couples. Lawyers for the Prop 8 campaign referred to Lamb as a �committed liberal� whose testimony was ideologically tainted.
- Also testifying was Helen Zia, who claimed that marrying her partner gave their relationship a legitimacy that couldn�t be matched by a domestic partnership.
Next week, San Diego mayor Jerry Sanders is expected to take the stand in defense of same-sex marriage. Sanders is noteworthy for having changed his stance on gay marriage � from �anti� to �pro� � after learning his daughter was a lesbian.
Via sourceMaria Sharapova Wins
Russian tennis star Maria Sharapova has claimed another Grand Slam title after winning the Australia Open on Saturday. Maria Sharapova, one of the top tennis players in the world,
Divya Dutta Is Going To Next Hollywood Project
Divya Dutta the talented lively kudi is flying to U.S. for work with pleasure.
The actress who had cast her spell in many desi and videshi flicks like �The Last Lear�, �Morning Walk� and recently in �Welcome to Sajjanpur� and �Love Khichadi�, will first visit L.A for further talks regarding her next Hollywood project.
Being a Libran, the gal knows how to keep a balance between work and fun, the kudi will then balle balle with her bunch of friends in the city of Angles on New Years Eve and make her trip a rewarding experience.
Divya has all the reason to celebrate as recently the fine actress received an award for the �Best supporting actress in a Comic role� for the movies �Welcome to Sajjanpur� and �Love Khichdi� racing past many other gifted actresses competing in the same category.
Well, that�s the way a Libran goes and we all like it��.Ah ha..!
All About Cosmetic Surgery and Its Benefits

In today's competitive environment people realize the significance of self improvement in both the social as well as the professional front. Things like exercise, proper nutrition and skin care help us to a certain extent but they have their limitations. For natural beauty we need something more. Cosmetic surgery offers us that. It defies age as well as genetics.
It is a unique option to augment your looks, personality, physical appeal, sensuality and also helps in improving confidence levels. It will help you in looking more presentable and also increase your self esteem.
Why go for it?
It helps in changing the appearance by modifying parts of our body that are functional but we do not like them as far as the appearance is concerned. People who are not satisfied with their looks can go for it to make themselves feel better. There is nothing wrong with changing your natural appearance with a small surgery if it helps you to improve your life.
People having a positive self image work better, feel secure about their relationships and also interact in a positive manner. Self image does have other components but one of the important ones is appearance. Therefore even minute surgeries can go miles in improving your self worth and increase the feeling of well being.
The Highlights of the surgery
* It improves your confidence levels to a great extent.
* It will help in improving your social life and interpersonal relationships.
* You will enjoy your leisure activities more as now you will not be worried about your appearance all the time.
* It will help in giving you success and recognition. Various research studies have been conducted on this and the result in ninety percent of the cases have been that good looking people perform better and are accepted with open hands by most of the people.
* An improved appearance is directly proportional to one's self image which thereby affects your emotional as well as physical well being.
* With the help of minimum invasion you can achieve maximum results. It is very safe also. Hundreds of celebrities have undergone numerous surgeries to improve some or the other part of their body.
These surgeries are offered by several clinics all over the world. These clinics have experts on board who have several years of experience in this field. A lot of research and experiments have been already conducted before trying it out on humans. So you can safely go for it.
But still if you are not confident about it you can first conduct your own research on the net about different clinics providing these services. There are several sites offering reviews on various clinics that provide these services. Go to these sites and read these reviews. You can even compare rates, time taken for these surgeries and facilities provided by different clinics. Go for it only when you are sure about the services of the clinic you are going for this surgery.
For any help on liposculpture, check out the info available online; these will help you learn to find the skin surgery!
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Aishwarya Rai Bachchan meets her former lovers
Be it Salman Khan or Vivek Oberoi to name a few, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan has been colliding with former lovers for quite some time. It seems all of a sudden she has been meeting her beaus suddenly. Of course the film fraternity is also a round world and people keep meeting each other for good or bad.
She met Salman Khan at the Mehboob Studios and the best thing neither of them reacted. Aishwarya completely ignored him and acted as if he did not even see him. Salman on the other hand was quite normal before her arrival. But the moment she arrived he became serious all of a sudden. After this it was Vivek Oberoi�s turn.
He met Aishwarya at the premiere of the Hollywood movie Avatar. He was so flabbergasted that he left the theatre immediately. Amidst all the rush and confusion he forgot to return his 3D glasses that people are supposed to return after the movie! A word of advice to Aishwarya from us is that honey, take care of the Bachchan Bahu tag. Keep up with the family name and just be the way you are. This will automatically shoo away all the unwanted people in life.
Unique Experience of Animal Fashion Show in India
If You Think Only Models Can Walk The Ramp, You Are Mistaken. You must have heard of fashion designers, fashion weeks and most certainly fashion shows. If you think only models can walk the ramp, you are mistaken. This year once again, continuing its tradition, The Bombay Veterinary College at Parel held a fashion show, no not the normal one, but a �Pet fashion show�.
A large number of dogs from numerous breeds participated in the show. There were twin pugs, Labradors, a Neapolitan Mastiff, a Miniature Pinscher, a Great Dane, an Irish setter and many more, all of which were spotlessly clean and well groomed. These dogs walked in with their owners, �fashionably late�. Instead of bothering about the fashion show the bigger dogs were busy �socializing� with each other with loud barks and the tiny ones socialized with soft grunts.
Since it wasn�t a competition, at the end of the day everyone emerged a winner. The incessant applauses and words of encouragement made each dog and owner feel special. Needless to say, the fashion show was a big hit this year and the organisers promised an even bigger and better one.
Anti Ageing Exercise Effect
Telomeres are protective caps on the chromosomes that keep a cell�s DNA stable but shorten with age. During the study, researchers measured the length of telomeres in blood samples from two groups of professional athletes and two groups of people who were healthy non-smokers, but who did not take regular exercise.
The findings revealed that physical exercise of the professional athletes led to activation of an enzyme called telomerase, which helped to stabilise telomeres. This reduced the telomere shortening in leukocytes, a type of white blood cell that plays a key role in fighting infection and disease.
Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan to Get Married?
The rumor mill is spinning on high speed in Bollywood again! This time rumors have it Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor are slowly but surely making their way to the altar!
While either "Kurbaan" actor has confirmed a date yet, Saif has reportedly told reporters that �I�m now looking forward to settling down with Kareena. Our marriage will happen very shortly, as soon as we both have a little less work on hand and we can give the marriage quality time."
After Shilpa Shetty and Raj Kundra tied the knot not too long ago, could this be the next big B-town wedding? Well as soon as Saif and Kareena are less busy working on their projects, we guess we will find out!
Bebo is currently promoting her latest movie "3 Idiots" with Aamir Khan so maybe Saif is just waiting for his girlfriend to finish that project before he pops the question?
What do you think of the rumors that Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor are soon the get married? Drop us a line.
College football: Colt McCoy's injury KOs Texas early in BCS title game

Texas quarterback Colt McCoy hurt his passing shoulder on the Longhorns' first drive of the BCS championship game Thursday night, knocking him out of the biggest � and final � game of his record-setting college career.
School officials never specified the seriousness of his injury but declared him out with Texas trailing Alabama 24-6 early in the third quarter. Alabama went on to win 37-21.
Minutes later, McCoy returned to the sideline in full gear except for his helmet and went straight into an offensive huddle as the Longhorns were on the sideline, preparing to start a possession.
McCoy appeared animated as he spoke, walking around the center of the group. He touched the helmet and shoulder pads of his replacement, freshman Garrett Gilbert. McCoy then stood alone on the sideline as the offense took the field. He later put on a headset. The Longhorns then rallied to within 24-21 with 6:15 left.
McCoy was injured on his fifth snap of No. 2 Texas' game against No. 1 Alabama. He kept the ball on an option to his left and was hit square by lineman Marcell Dareus for no gain.
"They would be a lot better team because he's a great player," Crimson Tide coach Nick Saban told ABC at halftime. "So it's unfortunate for them."
BCS: The new BCS executive director officially began his tenure by saying the often-criticized postseason represents a consensus among the 120 schools that play major college football
Bill Hancock said a playoff at college football's highest level would lead to more injuries, conflict with final exams, kill the bowl system and diminish the importance of the regular season.
"I know this is not completely popular, but I believe in it," Hancock told reporters Thursday at the Football Writers Association of America awards breakfast in Newport Beach. "I believe it is in the best interest of the universities. College football has never been better, and I believe the BCS is part of that."
Texas Tech: Attorneys for fired coach Mike Leach said they want to take Texas Tech to trial in the next six weeks and want to question some of the key figures in his dismissal. The coach's legal team filed court documents in Lubbock, Texas, asking a state district judge to allow them to question administrators and others in about two weeks.
One person they want to question is Adam James, the sophomore receiver whose family complaint about how Leach treated him after a concussion ultimately led to the coach's firing last month.
James said his coach twice ordered him to stand for hours confined in a dark place during practice.
Stanford: Andy Buh is leaving Jim Harbaugh's staff to return to his alma mater at Nevada as defensive coordinator after three seasons as a Cardinal assistant. Coach Chris Ault says Buh will replace Nigel Burton, who resigned to become head coach at Portland State. Buh was the Cardinal's co-defensive coordinator the past two seasons.
Mississippi: Quarterback Jevan Snead is skipping his senior season to enter the NFL draft.
Gauhar Khan Wants To Be Ranbir�s Lover
Model and VJ Gauhar Khan, who made her Bollywood debut in the Ranbir Kapoor starrer Rocket Singh � Salesman of.
The Year was so impressed by her co-star that she now wants to play his love interest on-screen. The debutante who was noticed for her turn as a crafty receptionist in the film, was all praise for Kapoor, who was recently crowned the �Sexiest Man Alive� by People magazine.
�He is a calm and good person and a thorough professional. It would be great to be paired opposite him someday,� Gauhar told PTI. Though the lead opposite Ranbir is played by Shahzahn Padamsee, Gauhar says that she has most of her scenes with the heartthrob.
�Playing the lead does not mean being paired romantically opposite the hero but being an integral part of the film�s plot. Our characters shared a close bond in the film,� she said. The model-turned actress was participating in a dance reality show when she was called for auditions for the film.
�I went through five auditions before being selected for the role of Koena, a middle class girl, in the film. There were many layers in the character and I got an opportunity to showcase my acting skills,� Gauhar said. �Filmmaker Yash Chopra complimented me for my performance and that was the icing on the cake amid all adulation and good reviews�, she added.
Top 5 Most Searched Celebrities in India

Know the art of using top searched people in your articles you can be among the most famous in the Indian internet world. Here are top 5 most searched persons who are being searched on web these days in India:
1) Mahender Singh Dhoni: Being the captain of the richest and most popular cricket team of India. Indian captain Mahender Singh Dhoni is the most searched person of India. His new hair styles and cool looks have made him very popular among Indians. He is always in the news for wining tournaments, buying hummer and other imported cars & bikes.
2) Katrina Kaif: Being the most beautiful and sexiest actress of Bollywood Katrina Kaif is ruling the hearts of Indian males. Katrina Kaif is also the girlfriend of bollywood superstar and world's 7th most handsome man Salman Khan. Her tall height, fair color, beautiful face, cool figure make her among the most searched celebrity on Indian web.
3) Shahrukh Khan: One of the most popular Bollywood Superstar Shahrukh Khan has been ruling the Indian web for many years. He is not only popular in India but also in foreign countries. Shahrukh Khan has given many blockbusters to bollywood which make him the most popular star of India.
4) Deepika Padukone: Deepika Padukone is the daughter of famous Indian Badminton player Prakash Padukone. Deepika has recently given superhit movie to bollywood "Love Aaj Kal". She is also the girlfriend of new superstar of India Ranbir Kapoor. Her tall height, beautiful eyes, hot figure make her the most searched celebrity.
5) Michael Jackson: After his sudden death suddenly Michael Jackson has become the most searched person in search engines of India. People are searching his biographies, cause of death, new song of Michael Jackson which has just come, Michael Jackson's songs, pics and many more things about him. The sale of Michael Jackson's music albums has also increased.
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Rajani's Endhiran The Robot Wallpapers
(Aishwarya Rai Picture from Endhiran The Robot)
Robot Wallpapers - Rajanikanth and Aishwarya Rai Pictures from Endhiran The Robot. Tamil movie wallpapers from Rajani's upcoming movie Robo or Endhiran The Robot.
Superstar Rajanikanth Picture from a dance scene in Endhiran The Robot
Rajanikanth and Aiswarya Rai Images from The Robot Tamil Movie
Endhiran The Robot Cover Image
Superstar Rajanikanth looking marvellous in Endhiran The Robot Movie
Starting New Year Is a Sizzle For Kareena Kapoor
Reveals a source, �Kareena will feature on the front page of the January issue of GQ India, where she will be seen wearing a red satin gown and sporting a trendy short bob.�
Others to have grazed the covers of GQ have been the beautiful Monica Belluci , the scintillating Beyonce, Hollywood�s sexiest Megan Fox, and the lovable Jennifer Aniston and now joining the ranks of these is Bollywood�s Czarina Kareena Kapoor.
Be it haute couture or ethnic chic there is no denying that Kareena Kapoor is the fashion icon of the season.
Celebrity News is Always Informative

However, there is a thin line between wanting to be entertained by celebrity news and invading celebrity's private lives. Of course, they are famous and they are well aware that their lives are the center of everyone's attention, but does that give the public the right to need to know about everything personal to them.
Celebrity news will inform you of what they eat, what type of exercise they do; if any and what they enjoy doing in their private time and with whom they spend their private time. Filming movies and television shows is one thing, but they did not sign any releases to have their private home lives filmed, did they? No matter what my opinion is; it is still exciting to know how they live and how they spend their money, we are even happy for them when they marry and have children. I guess not all of the publicity is all-bad, there are some wonderful moments that the public gets to share with these celebrities, whether they want to share them or not.
TV ratings show that celebrity news shows receive the highest ratings, more than any of their sitcoms or series, people are more entertained by the excitement of the lime light, and we want to know how the famous are spending their money and what kind of trouble our celebrities are getting into. The lives of the rich and the famous will always hold our attention and we will always find happiness through their success. If you are interested in staying updated with what celebrities all over the world, you can stay in touch online, at any of the various online celebrity news websites or pick up an entertainment magazine from your nearest convenient store. No matter how you want to stay updated, updates are always available.
At end, I'd like to share cool website with more information on topics like Celebrity News. Register at Celebrity Social Networking.
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Amisha Patel With Her Killing Smile
Bollywood Actress Amisha Patel at New Year Bash 2010 of Country Club Hotel, Dubai. She is Looking Really an Indian Masala Babe of Bollywood Industry. Above you can see Red Hot Pictures of Amisha Patel from New Year Event.
Why Shahrukh Did Not Celebrate NEW YEAR
Along with being good friends and doing a lot of things together, it seems that Shahrukh Khan and Karan Johar are in sync with their new year�s celebrations as well.
Mannat, SRK�s Bandra residence seems to be the place to be for SRK in keeping with plans for a quiet family time. While Karan continues to move ahead with the editing and soundwork of �My Name is Khan� in Mumbai, which compels him to abandon celebration.
Sources reveal that Karan�s initial plans were to ring in the New Year abroad with Dubai villa as the pit-stop for SRK over the holidays.
Now it seems that SRK will return from Dubai to spend a quiet new year at his house with Karan canceling his overseas plans as he did last year due to the November terror attacks in Mumbai.
Sushmita Sen Is Busy
One can see her sizzling in and out of the media these days, either promoting �Dulha Mil Gaya� or gracing events as a chief guest. Sushmita Sen is surely on her toes busy with something or the other. And to refresh your memory the lady also has a production venture in her dairy. However Sush said have put her film on Rani Laxmibai on a hold as of now.
Did you know that this beauty had requested Salman Khan to take the lead in this film? Or she had asked Shekhar Kapur to direct it? Well, yes, Sush had indeed such plans, but sadly both the actor and filmmaker had their own valid reasons to turn down her offer. According to sources, after Veer Salman didn�t want to shoot two period films, while Kapur stated that Sushmita was more qualified to direct the film since she had worked too minutely on the script.
So the actress thought that it would be better to keep the project aside and concentrate on acting as of now, sources added.
Recently, the former Miss Universe launched an initiative �I AM She� that will groom girls for international beauty pageant. The organisation was brought up under Sushmita�s banner Tantra Entertainment along with NGOs. ��I want I AM�s Miss India Universe to be well educated, extremely intelligent and socially aware. That is also the reason that we have joined hands with five NGOs and will make sure that our winner will not just walk ramps but will have a social responsibility too,� stated the beauty at a media meet.