Climate Depot : Global Warming Deniers.....Why?

According to news reports a group of hackers broken into the email system at the University of East Aglia's Climatic Research Unit(CRU), on of the world's leading research centers. The leaked emails are being touted by global warming deniers as a vast global conspiracy on behalf on global warming advocates. In response, a group of respected research scientists from Real Climate have stated none of the emails proved or mentioned any conspiracy, hoax, falsifying data, or mention of George Soros nefariously funding research.Many skeptics believe this attack on CRU's website is to slow progress in the upcoming UN climate conference in Copenhagen, Denmark in December. I find this whole thing totally absurd and probably the work of major polluters paying hackers to break into this website. I...

Alien e-mails Stirrer with big news

A few weeks ago, I can't remember when or why, I asked any space aliens living in the region to e-mail me with basic information about their purpose on Earth and how long they are planning to stay.As a result I got the following message: "I am not from Earth. I come from a solar system light years away. I came to investigate the life forms on this planet. I learned the English language, found a name and learned about your planet. I will go home in 59.567 of your earthly years."I totally believe this guy/gal/thing because, after all, who would make up a detail like "59.567 years"?We'd love to hear from other space aliens. Please drop me a note at jeff.brumley@jacksonville. com. Tell us about your home world and your purpose on our little blue planet.Source: jacksonvi...

Belichick Was Right

I was about to write a detailed blog using advanced statistics to illustrate why Belichick's decision to go for it on 4th down tonight was absolutely the right decision. Then I realized that someone had already done it for me .To sum it up. Belichick's Patriots were up by six points and faced a 4th down and 2 at their own 28 yard line with just over 2:00 left in the game. Rather than punt, which just about every other coach in the league would have done (except maybe Sean Payton or Josh McDaniel), he decided to go for it.Talking about what happened due to this decision is unimportant (and frankly painful for this Patriots fan) so I'll focus on the decision itself. As I mentioned Brian Burke, at, has already done a great post on this but I'm going to sum it up here...

Happiness in Marriage is Entirely a Matter of Chance

Charlotte Lucas says: �Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance�. Examine the presentation of marriage in Pride and Prejudice. During the novel of Pride and Prejudice, written by Jane Austen� �Charlotte Lucas says: �Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance�. Examine the presentation of marriage in Pride and Prejudice. During the novel of Pride and Prejudice, written by Jane Austen, we are presented with many marriages and relationships between the characters. As each character is introduced to another (or if a new character has been entered into the novel), Austen always tells us about their social status and financial background as this was a major contribution to marriage back then. In those times, one of the most important reasons to marry was because of money and...

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